
A typically Italian personality
With the passion of who devotes himself to this art, we are an Italian firm that has been producing terracotta pots 100% Made in Italy for more than 20 years.
We take part to the most important international and national exhibitions of our field and we are present with our products in more than 40 countries all over the world.
Our strong points are:
• Raw Materials
• Innovation and respect for the environment
• Quality of Made in Italy
• Worldwide presence

Quality of
Made in Italy
The quality of our products
has a typical Italian personality.
Degrea attaches importance to your spaces, that’s why we take our passion for terracotta at our customers’ disposal by selecting and working exclusively pure clays, carefully chosen for a radius of some hundred kilometers.
Our line of pots and accessories owes his elegance to the Italian tradition. Degrea moulds things with sinuous shapes looking continuously for a modern and topical taste able to give a value and a unique heat to your indoor and outdoor spaces.
Actually, Degrea is present with his products in over 40 countries in 5 continents, becoming synonymous of quality and Italian character.
Raw Material
Terracotta for Degrea is mostly a great passion.
Degrea is characterized by its talent at industrially manufacturing almost unique items, on the basis of the sensitivity of people who have been passing on this passion from generation to generation.
Clay is a natural and living material, which has always been the basis for creating many commonly used objects such as vases. They are apparently simple, but only thanks to great care and attention in each phase of their production cycle can they reach the qualitative standards which Degrea has set for itself, and which characterize it in the international industrial scene.
Degrea only uses virgin clays, selected within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, dosed and grounded in a dry way in a fully automatic system which guarantees a smooth surface and the right porosity for all products.

Innovation and respect for the Environment
Degrea makes use of the most modern production technologies for the terracotta pots that together with the use of a mix of milled and dried filtered natural clays, guarantee the pots a smooth surface, the right porosity and an excellent mechanical resistance that makes basically insignificant the percentage of breakages during the transport.
In the last few years Degrea has managed to satisfy the demands of the traditional market, but has also introduced different innovations with new lines of products, which are being imitated by now, although their quality has no equal yet.
The moulding, drying and firing, performed by means of the most advanced technological systems, pass on the products an excellent mechanical resistance and make them resistant to cold, which along with the design are the most appreciated qualities of Degrea products.
Attention and care for such a natural product cannot ignore the utmost respect for the environment, particularly the energy sources used. On the basis of this sensitivity, Degrea has designed a photovoltaic panel electric power production system which covers over 50% of its requirements, thus making it possible to save over 450 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere every year.
Degrea into the world
Degrea is present with its own products in more than 40 countries in 5 continents
